After Open Electricity Market was launched all over the nation, and residential households have got an option to switch from the current electricity supplier and choose the best one. It means that the households are paying tariff rate over past two years – and continue to do for more, as neither educational outreach, incentives nor lack of issues for open electricity market have appeared to convince these people to make a switch. With the open electricity market comparison tool that allows you to easily estimate the electricity bills & compare the providers and choose the best one. You only have to choose your kind of residence, consumption, as well as preference for the pricing models (discount or fixed regulated tariff).
Advantages of Open Electricity Market
Open electricity market among households comes with many advantages for the residents that we will look further in detail.
Get Higher Choices
When compared to paying the fixed or quarterly tariff rate that is what some retailer offered, the retailers allow you select from 2 kinds of the electricity plans. The different plans offer Singaporeans a bit of choices on what they want to buy electricity or who they want to buy this from. Also, they have a potential of the large cost savings when select the right plan as per their average consumption.
Check current contract & plan
Check your cabinet & find your earlier energy bills and you can go online also to check the current utility and energy contract. You will come to know what you are paying for every energy unit now.