Should we say that the era of full disclosure has just begun, and therefore the importance of finding full-text patents? According to US112, the enabling test requires that the claims be confirmed by the full disclosure of the preferred embodiment in the specification. This tactic was widely used by lawyers…
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OVERVIEW With the ever continuous competition rise among business ventures alternatives, many business owners orgroup of owners of different establishments like banks, schools, and other establishment are using the internet and other online platforms like social networks to popularize their business, brand, services and products. Without doing this, they stand…
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Allcoupons4u- A popular coupon platform
In fact, the coupons are a good way to save your money and get the products at discount rates. With the right coupon, the customer can purchase products with the best possible rates. Now, there are several online platforms available to provide discounted coupons to the customers. The most famous…
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Find Your Best Match In Easy Ways
Whenever you encounter with the term “dating”, what is the first thought that hits your mind? Definitely two people a girl and a boy who are in love and spent quality time with each other, but the definition of dating is getting changed day by day. With time our thinking…
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